Tic tac tic tac… A real innovation for september!
Do you know the Mac & Cheese?

Be snacking continues its globe-trotting journey and revisits this famous American dish as a finger food.
A new ultra gourmet recipe that your customers will love!
Available in September, mark your calendars!
Light on our range

The magazine “Le monde des boulangers et des pâtissiers”, specialized in mass, commercial and snacking catering, has published its new June issue.
Volatys is part of an external communication process with this partner, illustrated by two nice highlights:
– an advertising insert with a selection of our products dedicated to the snacking bakery,
– an article dedicated to our delicious Be Snacking breaded goat cheese medallion.
Délices & Snacks has a range of products adapted to the preparation of sandwiches (slices, slices, etc.).
The hot snacking to take away offer is also developing in bakery.
With its experience and its range, Délices & Snacks adapts to the needs of your customers by proposing a range in adequacy and dedicated to this trade.
A strengthened sales team

“I wanted to change my job and Volatys was an interesting project for me. There is a link with my previous job and I really liked how the company was presented to me, which is very young and dynamic.”
Salesperson assistant
“I chose to join Volatys for the challenge, to discover a new field of activity, to enrich my knowledge and professional skills and also for the company culture.”

“I chose Volatys because the agri-food sector (especially poultry) is a sector that particularly interested me. It is the one that stimulates me the most in the field of sales. With the internal training offered by the company, I was able to adapt quickly to my new position.”